SEMINARArabian Peninsula
Upcoming Seminars:
Probably cultural differences occur between the people in the larger Arabian Peninsula, ranging from Saudi to Oman. However, relatively this is a uniform area. Through thousands of years of equal circumstances the inhabitants were formed and shaped further over time towards a unique sort of people. Standing on the shoulders of the giants before us we can look far and understand; and work on our way of communicating and behaviour. For the respectful and long lasting cooperation we are after.
We immerse ourselves in the actual issue at hand. Your examples and our illustrations.
We meet and introduce.
Check on Demand and Supply. The Who, What, Why will be analysed and sliced.
We will show the work-plan for the next 4 day parts.
After this, we seek to found our case via a Business Game. The Clash of cultures.
(accompanied by subtle bites, to taste the cultural differences as well)
Today we dive into the world of culture and how culture influences our communication. Together we look into ways to effectively interact across cultural borders.
On the origin of, and respect for, Cultures.
Civilization; education by the group; polishing of behaviour; norms and social control.
How are cultural differences broken down / the Hofstede dimensions. How is your score? What is the bare bone secret.
With self-confidence and armed towards the other people.
Meaning and understanding are worlds apart. Our perception appears the key; and exactly that is Culturally determined.
People go after their own interests. Details differ per individual but the main line is culturally determined.
Money? Goods ? Salt? Honour? About swopping different sorts of capital.
Effective sending, receiving and achieving win-win in an intercultural setting
This day all addresses are led back to your unique situation, and we work on the emerging work-recipe.
During the preparations of the Seminar we will contact local experience in our network, en discuss how to materialise their valuable confirmation. In person, via video, other.
Points of pain and action. The problem openly on the table. Are we now ahead of the game?
Clashes to be expected.
What are the do's and don't's